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Upper Mount Gravatt State School

Rapid delivery of classrooms for fire-affected school


A devastating fire on Friday the 14th of June at 7:06pm at the Upper Mount Gravatt State School in Queensland was the start of an unforgettable weekend not only for our Fleetwood Queensland team but also the local community who had all been touched by the devastating event and were facing the task of rebuilding their school from the ground up.

None more so than the school’s 500 students, with the blaze gutting eight classrooms directly effecting 200 students from prep to year four.


Fleetwood led the way, working around the clock with the local community, businesses and the Queensland Government’s Department of Education.

Within three days, Fleetwood provided four buildings including eight classrooms along with covered decking areas, ramps, stairs and landscaping.

With over 100 trade staff onsite, working to the early hours of the following Tuesday morning, the school was handed over for students to return to class only missing one day of school throughout the ordeal.


Fleetwood’s off-site manufacturing enabled our team to deliver and install temporary buildings quickly in times of great need.

The rapid installation of our modular buildings minimised disruptions to surrounding environments and enabled students and staff to return safely to site without missing more than one day of school.

With the school now back on its feet and classes back to normal, Fleetwood and the Upper Mount Gravatt State School are grateful to all partners who were part of helping this local community in a time of need.

Upper Mount Gravatt State School Gallery