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Sandy Ridge Facility Infrastructure

52 person accommodation and community living facilities



Tellus Holdings sought to develop their Sandy Ridge project, located approximately 140 km northwest of Kalgoorlie in the Goldfields Region of Western Australia. The site is home to a kaolin open cut mine and the mine voids are used as a repository for secure storage and isolation of hazardous, intractable waste. Fleetwood was engaged to design, construct and install infrastructure for the waste storage and isolation facility, including village accommodation, offices and laboratory building.




Fleetwood worked closely with the client to deliver bespoke facilities including:

  • accommodation units (SPQ’s) for 52 persons
  • gym
  • laundry
  • First Aid
  • ice room
  • wet mess
  • kitchen
  • ablution block
  • Office building with verandah; and
  • Laboratory with verandah

The facilities are connected by concrete walkways to enable disabled access to all site buildings. The central services area’s relaxed wet mess and indoor recreation hall opens out onto a large oval, featuring abundant landscaping to soften the village feel in contrast to the dry surrounding landscape.




The green fields site had no existing underground/utility services. Therefore, Fleetwood supplied a self-sufficient temporary camp for their staff to live in during construction. The client required facilities that could withstand extreme remote conditions over long-term use, such as high concentrations of fine abrasive dust and extreme temperatures. The building designs utilise precast concrete flooring throughout, with insulation and glazing to create comfortable internal environments for the mine staff and visitors.

Fleetwood’s in house design team also worked collaboratively with the client to develop the bespoke lab facilities using specialised non-pervious materials. The lab’s internal fit out features multiple workstations, refrigerators, safety shower cubicle, sinks, chemical storage, eyewash station and VAV fume cupboards.



Sandy Ridge Facility Infrastructure Gallery