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Rio Tinto – Koodaideri Accommodation Village Expansion

Some great images (pictured below) from the final stages of the recently completed Koodaideri Accommodation Village Expansion from Western Australia. With the team commencing fabrication of the LGS wall frames for the project in early November 2019. And with manufacturing in the yard commencing on the 26th of November – the scheduled completion date of early July was easily met. In total, there was a massive 159 x Class 3 Accommodation Units constructed – with the High Wycombe yard capacity reaching 100% at the peak of the project. Overall the project saw a wide range of Accommodation Units built including:

  • 152 x 3 Person Units
  • 2 x 2 Person (couples) Units
  • 2 x Universal Access Units

A great job by the team out west and all involved, which has been a major project over the last six months for Fleetwood and the Australian Mining sector.

Accommodation Units structure Accommodation Units Accommodation Units 2