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Western Sydney Wanderers Centre of Excellence

1,900m² Centre of Excellence Building


Fleetwood Australia was engaged to refurbish the existing facility as well as design, manufacture, deliver, install and commission a 1,900m² Centre of Excellence Building for the Western Sydney Wanderers.


The building forms part of Stage 1 of Western Sydney Wanderers Centre of Excellence that features three elite training pitches housing the club’s elite men’s, women’s and academy teams. The building includes Westfield W-League and Hyundai A-League designated changerooms, physiotherapy, state-of-the-art gymnasium, offices, media centre and large external deck areas.

The 20-week project saw a range of buildings relocated and refurbished that were incorporated into the overall design, which also included a five-metre-high 288m² state of the art gymnasium.


  • Working closely with the client, architect and council during the design phase
  • Relocating and refurbishing existing buildings that were Council Assets and incorporating these into the overall design
  • Incorporating into the design and the construction of a 5m high 288m² State of the Art Gymnasium

Western Sydney Wanderers Centre of Excellence Gallery